Wednesday 16 December 2015

Permanent cure to all manners of cancer with natural home remedies (2016/2017)


      How do you keep the spread of cancer "growing"? Bury the cure. How do you keep 1.5 million Americans "infested" yearly with mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably? You breed cancer in food and medicine. How many years ago did America start this evil strategy to make people sick and deny them the cure? Nearly 100 years. Where did it all really start? The American Medical Association (AMA) and a man named Morris Fishbein, who single-handedly removed nutrition from medical schools in the U.S. and installed a fake seal of approval for harmful lab-made drugs that made cancer worse. What else did Fishbein do? (

Just in case you "doubters" and skeptics want some concrete proof, some evidence to take with you on your journey NOT to get cancer, here are some historical, proven facts to help you understand WHY you need to go 100% organic and research and use natural remedies, to build your immunity to disease with superfoods, herbs, tinctures and organic supplements. (

Let's begin this journey of truth and the not-so-healthy history of medicine in this bold country we call the "Land of the Free." Let's begin with the TOP SEVEN CURES for cancer that mainstream media will never admit to, because their advertising money comes from Big Pharma, the GMO Agriculture giants (Monsanto/Dupont/Bayer/Dow Chemical/etc.) and the lobbyists and politicians who make their money off of stocks in cancer therapies that don't work:

The AMA once paid a cancer virus researcher $250K to retire in Mexico and stop working on natural cures:

2. Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work:

3. 'Dying to Have Known' documentary features Gerson Therapy natural cancer cure:

4. Harry Hoxsey: Guilty of Curing Cancer with Herbs:

5. Medicinal mushrooms like reishi and chagacan beat cancer:

6. Marijuana - A cure for cancer?

7. Beat cancer with 35% hydrogen peroxide!

Pay it forward 100 years

Nearly 100 years ago, the AMA began removing nutritional education from medical schools in America. Medical doctors would no longer understand anything about using food as medicine (or be allowed to suggest it), and all mid-wives, Native American herbalists and natural healers would be referred to in medical journals as "quacks." The Western Medicine philosophy would soon come to be that no food in the world could ever heal a human being or cure any disease or disorder; in fact, only pharmaceuticals and vaccines would ever be able to make that claim (legally) and get away with it, whether in peer reviews, medical and science journals (JAMA), scientific "studies" or labeled as such on products.

Currently, it is illegal for any food, herb, tincture or superfood product to say that it cures anything, yet medications advertised on TV since 1997 can say they treat all kinds of diseases and disorders, even though the side effects are horrendous, some of the time including internal bleeding and suicide.

Mother Nature, on the other hand, has a CURE for everything and also offers prevention and immunity for everything under the sun. Nutritionists and Naturopathic Physicians will tell you all day that organic fruits and vegetables are the key to healing and living a healthy life. A plant-based diet can heal nearly any health problem, and the body is like a machine that fires "on all cylinders" when given the correct fuel. Take this knowledge and be on your way to health freedom and natural living, where you have lots of energy, rarely ever get sick, can think critically all the time, can be spiritual and independent and take care of your family! Follow Natural News and track the truth. Learn and grow from it. Don't eat cancer. Don't drink cancer. Be organic. (visit here)

Effective Alternative Cancer Cures are a Threat to Modern Medicine

Conventional physicians want us to believe that there are only three treatments for cancer – surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. In fact, allopathic physicians have exclusively use these three approaches for the past 100 years with very little long-term success. Even though it is clear that even the US government admits that radiation and chemo both cause cancer, these therapies continue to be used with little concern about the new cancers that they cause.
- See more at:
Effective Alternative Cancer Cures are a Threat to Modern Medicine

Conventional physicians want us to believe that there are only three treatments for cancer
 – surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. In fact, allopathic physicians have exclusively use these
three approaches for the past 100 years with very little long-term success. Even though it is clear that even the US government admits that radiation and chemo both cause cancer, these therapies continue to be used with little concern about the new cancers that they cause.

Effective Alternative Cancer Cures are a Threat to Modern Medicine

Conventional physicians want us to believe that there are only three treatments for cancer – surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. In fact, allopathic physicians have exclusively use these three approaches for the past 100 years with very little long-term success. Even though it is clear that even the US government admits that radiation and chemo both cause cancer, these therapies continue to be used with little concern about the new cancers that they cause.
- See more at:
The Cancer Industry is Too Prosperous to Allow a Cure

The conventional cancer treatment system and the pharmaceutical companies that control it are dedicated to
limiting the development of all other forms of cancer treatment. They have a chokehold on the development of
alternative treatments, and they ruthlessly work together with the US FDA and various US government cancer r
esearch funding agencies to prevent new treatments from being approved for use by physicians. The reason is
 that most alternative cancer treatments are much less expensive than surgery, radiation, and chemo. They are also more effective and have many fewer (if any) unwanted side effects.

The great fear of the pharmaceutical industry, and the vast cancer treatment system that it controls, is that
 a non-patentable and inexpensive cure for cancer might put them out of business. Sadly, these organizations
 exist to turn a profit from cancer treatment, which is measured in the billions of dollars every year. They
 are in the business of treating cancer not curing it.

Alternative treatments for cancer have a history of curing cancer and it is this fact that big pharma wants
to hide from the American public. Historically, many successful approaches have been developed for curing cancer. Some involve the use of herbs, minerals, oils, aromatic essential oils, dietary modifications, enemas, and the use of various types of equipment that destroy cancer cells while stimulating a natural immune response to cancer.

Many people have been permanently cured of their cancers from these alternative approaches. A cure means that the cancer never comes back. People lived for 20 or 30 years after treatment without a recurrence of cancer. This is in contrast with the modern medical definition of “cure,” which is measured in a five year period. The five year period is a convenient number of years, because the cancers that will be created by exposure to radiation and chemotherapy begin to appear after 5 years. In this way, these secondary cancers can
 be called a new disease and not a recurrence of cancer.

In many situations, chemotherapy actually kills the patient before the cancer does. [1] However, alternative
 treatments do not carry such disabling and health destroying consequences.

Fear is the driving force that supports the cancer treatment monopoly. Pharmaceutical companies use fear to keep people coming back for more and more poisonous treatments, because almost all conventional doctors tell t
heir patients that their only chance for survival lies in surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. It is import
ant to realize that the pharmaceutical cartel wants us to be afraid of cancer. When our fear is
 great enough, we will surrender our bodies and our lives to the modern healthcare system and say, “I don’t care what you do to me, just kill this cancer!”

When we realize that fear is controlling us, we can turn away from the grip of conventional cancer treatment and make other choices. Some people turn to alternativ
e cancer treatments after it has become clear that conventional treatments are not working. Other people just skip conventional treatments altogether and go directly to safer alternatives.

The remainder of this article is divided into three sections. The first describe
s some of the alternative cures for cancer that have been successfully used by many thousands of people. The second section describes some of the steps that you can take to prevent cancer from developing or reoccurring. The third section describes how to avoid exposing
yourself to things that will increase your risk for developing cancer.

Please Note! If you use an Internet search engine to research any of these alternative cancer
r treatments, you will find many websites that describe why these treatments are bogus and may actually kill you. Please don’t be discouraged by this negative propaganda. It is the pharmaceutical industry and the American Medical Association that is behind the creation of almost all of these websites.

In my opinion, when you find a certain therapy being criticized as being unproven quackery,
 then that is a pretty good sign that the alternative therapy is effective and safe. Big pharma would not waste their time preparing reports designed to warn people against using an alternative
therapy unless that therapy is effective and has the potential for being a threat to their monopoly.
Alternative Cancer Treatments

I need to say from the very beginning that there are many different ways to approach curing cancer.
Some of the treatments involve principles that seem to contradict one another.
 My goal is to present information that will help you consider alternative treatments, and I will not try to resolve differences in treatment theory. In recent years, I have found the research that supports the validity of the ketogenic diet (which will be discussed first) to be very impressive. It has proven to be a powerful treatment, however, other treatments have been successfully used for curing cancer. My bias is with the ketogenic diet, but I will not deny that many people have also been cured of cancer by using the other methods that will be described even when they did not use the ketogenic diet.

This article is an introduction to the topic of alternative cancer treatments.
 If you have cancer or are trying to help someone who has cancer,
then you should do thorough research before deciding which alternative therapy
 is best for you or others. You will need to spend time reading and studying if
 you are working on your own. If you are able to find other people who have already
walked down the alternative cancer cure road, then you will be able to benefit from their experience and knowledge.
The Ketogenic Diet in Cancer Treatment

The ketogenic diet was developed originally as a treatment for children with epilepsy.
 Over the years, it has proven useful for many other conditions. The standard American diet, which is recommended by the US Government and almost all conventional physicians, consists of high levels of carbohydrates and extremely low levels of fat. This diet is now considered to be one of the major causes of the epidemic of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and cancer which is afflicting the majority of Americans today.

The ketogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein, low carbohydrate diet.
 When it is used as a cancer treatment, it is called a restricted ketogenic diet. The restriction means that the number of calories is limited and the amount of carbohydrate is extremely low. This diet brings about important changes in the ways cells in the body are nourished.

Healthy cells can use glucose or ketone bodies as their primary energy source.
 The primary types of ketones that are used as an energy source are acetoacetic acid,
and beta-hydroxybutyric acid.

Cancer cells are unable to use ketones for their energy source.
They rely on glucose and glutamine for metabolism. Thus, if they do not have access to glucose, they rapidly begin to die. When a person uses the ketogenic diet, they create a condition where there is a reduced level of glucose in the blood and there are elevated levels of ketone bodies. The result is that the cancer cells are denied their primary energy source (starved) while all the healthy cells in the body are nourished by ketones.

Many physicians do not understand that it is possible to have
moderately elevated ketone levels and for the body to function normally.
 There is a difference between nutritional ketosis and pathological ketoacidosis. Nutritional ketosis occurs during times of fasting or during very low carbohydrate consumption.

In nutritional ketosis, the concentrations of ketone bodies will be
 in a range of 0.5 to 5.0 mM. This level of ketosis is not dangerous.
 It is the human body’s normal reaction to reduced carbohydrate availability.
This is the condition that many people experience on an annual basis in parts of the world
where food availability is limited during certain times of the year. It is also the condition that
 occurs with people who use periodic abstinence from food (fasting) as part of their religious practices.

On the other hand, pathological ketoacidosis is a consequence of other disease conditions
 such as poorly managed type one diabetes. In this case, the level of ketones will be in the range of
15 to 25 mM. These extremely high levels of ketones can be a serious health problem. The ketogenic
diet does not produce this level of ketones. For a thorough discussion of the scientific literature
 related to the use of the ketogenic diet in cancer treatment I recommend the
on the subject by Dr. Thomas N. Seyfried, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. [2]

With a high fat ketogenic diet, the body converts the fat into a non-glucose energy source.
If a restricted ketogenic diet is used, then excess body fat will also be converted into an
 energy source and consumed. Our bodies have an amazing ability to produce all the energy that
 we need from the high fat, medium protein, low carbohydrate diet. The prolonged use of
this diet will normalize weight, protect muscle tissue, and starve cancer.

The ketogenic diet requires a major lifestyle adjustment and
the willingness to live through carbohydrate withdrawal. Most Americans are physically
 and emotionally addicted to sugar and to other carbohydrates that are converted into sugar.
 Thus, when a person begins using this diet, there will usually be a period of withdrawal,
which is similar in experience to drug withdrawal. The symptoms pass rapidly after a few days,
 and a heightened sense of peace and mental clarity will soon be experienced as the body moves
into nutritional ketosis.
Now am going to list some ketogenic diets here
Ketogenic Diet Food List - what to eat and what to avoid

Animal products
Source Net Carbs (grams) Serving size
meat and fish 0 150 g / 5.3 oz
organ meats, liver (average) 3 150 g / 5.3 oz
prawns (cooked) 1.4 150 g / 5.3 oz
eggs 0.7 piece, large
cream (full-fat) 1.6 ¼ cup, 60 ml / 2 fl oz
butter 0 1 tbsp
cheese (hard) 0.4 30 g / 1 oz
cream cheese (full-fat) 1.6 ¼ cup, 50 g / 1.75 oz

Source Net Carbs (grams) Serving size
lettuce (sliced, average) 0.5 1 cup, 50 g / 1.75 oz
swiss chard, sliced 0.8 1 cup, 35 g / 1.25 oz
collard greens, sliced 0.8 1 cup, 35 g / 1.25 oz
bok choy, sliced 0.8 1 cup, 70 g / 2.4 oz
asparagus 2.7 150 g / 5.3 oz
green beans 6.4 150 g / 5.3 oz
summer squash (zucchini / courgette) 3.2 150 g / 5.3 oz
winter squash (pumpkin) 9 150 g / 5.3 oz
cucumber 2.2 150 g / 5.3 oz
spinach, cooked 1.2 ½ cup, 90 g / 3.2 oz
kale (Italian dark-leaf) 2.1 150 g / 5.3 oz
kale (curly) 5.4 150 g / 5.3 oz
savoy cabbage 4.5 150 g / 5.3 oz
cabbage (white) 5 150 g / 5.3 oz
cabbage (red) 7.9 150 g / 5.3 oz
celery stalk 1.6 3 medium, 120 g / 4.2 oz
peppers (green) 3.5 piece, 120 g / 4.2 oz
peppers (red) 4.7 piece, 120 g / 4.2 oz
tomatoes, chopped 4.8 1 cup, 180 g / 6.3 oz
eggplant (aubergine) 3.5 150 g / 5.3 oz
broccoli, chopped 6.1 150 g / 5.3 oz
cauliflower 4.5 150 g / 5.3 oz
mushrooms, white 3.4 150 g / 5.3 oz
mushrooms, brown 5.6 150 g / 5.3 oz
onion, white (sliced) 2.2 ¼ cup, 40 g / 1.4 oz
garlic 0.9 1 clove

Source Net Carbs (grams) Serving size
strawberries, sliced 4.7 ½ cup, 85 g / 2.9 oz
raspberries 3.3 ½ cup, 62 g / 2.2 oz
blackberries 3.1 ½ cup, 72 g / 2.5 oz
blueberries 8.9 ½ cup, 74 g / 2.6 oz
avocado 3.7 piece, average (200 g / 7 oz)

Nuts & Seeds
Source Net Carbs (grams) Serving size
macadamia nuts 1.5 30 g / 1 oz
almonds 2.7 30 g / 1 oz
pecans 1.2 30 g / 1 oz
hazelnuts 2 30 g / 1 oz
walnuts 2 30 g / 1 oz
cashew nuts 7.6 30 g / 1 oz
pumpkin seeds 1.3 30 g / 1 oz
sunflower seeds 3.2 30 g / 1 oz
tahini (unsweetened sesame paste) 1.8 1 tbsp
chia seeds 0.4 1 tbsp
pistachio nuts 4.9 30 g / 1 oz

Condiments & Other
Source Net Carbs (grams) Serving size
almond milk (unsweetened) 0.3 ¼ cup, 60 ml / 2 fl oz
coconut milk 1.6 ¼ cup, 60 ml / 2 fl oz
coconut milk (creamed) 2.7 ¼ cup, 60 ml / 2 fl oz
olives 0.2 30 g / 1 oz
sauerkraut (solids only) 0.5 ¼ cup, 35 g / 1.25 oz
mustard 0.7 1 tbsp
tomato puree 5.7 1 tbsp
apple cider vinegar 0.1 1 tbsp
coconut aminos 1 1 tbsp
dark chocolate (85%) 5.7 30 g / 1 oz
coconut flour 3.2 ¼ cup, 30 g / 1 oz
almond flour 2.2 ¼ cup, 25 g / 0.9 oz
flax meal 0.6 ¼ cup, 38 g / 1.3 oz
psillium hush powder 1.4 ¼ cup, 16 g / 0.6 oz
Erythritol 0.5 1 tbsp
stevia (drops) < 0.1 ¼ tsp
wine (red, dry) 6 1 glass / 5 fl oz
wine (white, dry) 6 1 glass / 5 fl oz
spirits (sugar-free, ~ 40% vol) 0 1 jigger / 1.5 fl oz

Low-carb / paleo / primal sources of your daily protein

Protein is not found just in meats. There are many meat-free and plant-based sources of protein! The more fat the meat contains, the less protein is usually has.
Meat, Fish and Seafood
Source Grams of protein Serving size
turkey / chicken breast 37 150 g / 5.3 oz
chicken thighs 29 150 g / 5.3 oz
beef, lean steak 31 150 g / 5.3 oz
beef steak, ribeye 28 150 g / 5.3 oz
pork loin (chops) 31 150 g / 5.3 oz
venison steak 32 150 g / 5.3 oz
lamb chops 28 150 g / 5.3 oz
duck (meat only) 30 150 g / 5.3 oz
duck (meat and skin) 17 150 g / 5.3 oz
bacon 12 3 slices / 90 g / 3.2 oz
chorizo salami 22 90 g / 3.2 oz
salmon 32 150 g / 5.3 oz
tuna 37 150 g / 5.3 oz
cod 27 150 g / 5.3 oz
sardines 30 150 g / 5.3 oz
mackerel 28 150 g / 5.3 oz
sea bass 28 150 g / 5.3 oz
sea bream 36 150 g / 5.3 oz
prawns, shrimps, mussels, clams 22 150 g / 5.3 oz
octopus 19 150 g / 5.3 oz
squid / calamari 23 150 g / 5.3 oz
lobster 25 150 g / 5.3 oz
gelatine 6 1 tbsp
hope this is helpful........

Effective Alternative Cancer Cures are a Threat to Modern Medicine

Conventional physicians want us to believe that there are only three treatments for cancer – surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. In fact, allopathic physicians have exclusively use these three approaches for the past 100 years with very little long-term success. Even though it is clear that even the US government admits that radiation and chemo both cause cancer, these therapies continue to be used with little concern about the new cancers that they cause.
- See more at:

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